The number and type of credits you receive towards your next degree could be affected by the evaluation company you choose, but also just as important it could be affected by the institution you are applying to.

Using a strict Year-counting approach, you will receive approximately 30-36 semester credit hours of US study equivalent. Using a Benchmarking approach, you could receive upwards of 40 semester hours of credit depending on the country, program and institution where the study was completed. This can not only affect the remaining semesters or years of study required to complete your degree, but could also determine if you are eligible for graduate study or not.

Similarly, the institution that you attend can have an equally detrimental or beneficial outcome where credits and remaining study is concerned. One institution may apply all of your international study to the desired program, where others may only use your international study for elective credit (not in the major). There is probably more disparity among US institutions concerning the application of foreign credit than there is amongst most major credential evaluation companies.

To maximize the amount of credit that you receive and get applied to your future degree, it’s highly advisable to question the institution first about how your transfer credit will count towards your degree, then find an evaluation company that is accepted by that college or university.

To read about IEE’s evaluation guidelines click HERE

To begin your IEE evaluation click HERE